טופס פרויקט
Hand By Hand
:מספר הפרויקט
יובל אוחנה, הילה עזרא
:שמות הסטודנטים המציגים
מר מרגלית דרור
:שם המנחה
יזמות בפיתוח מוצרי תוכנה
:שם הסדנה
מסלול יישומי/יזמי
:מסלול הסדנה
:תקציר הפרויקט
"Hand By Hand" is a social platform that was created out of a real need raising in our daily lives and a belief in persons willingness to give, contribute and volunteer.
The platform provides a single point solution for both organizations seeking for volunteers, and persons who want to volunteer or donate .
Currently NGOs, social organizations and private individuals often advertise on social networks, in search of volunteers for purposed activities, on the other hand, there are a lot of motivated individuals who are looking to volunteer, or donate – for missions aligned with their values, needs and abilities.
Today there is no dedicated platform to handle this unique “Ask & Volunteer (or donate)” Market Place.
"Hand By Hand" platform support the publishing of detailed and targeted calls for volunteering (or donation) events reaching out to desired and relevant sector of willing volunteers.